Project Highlight (updated 02/2019)
Chinese New Literati, 2018 -
With strong recent interests in cultural innovation and creative artificial intelligence, I've created a project series titled “Chinese New Literati, 2018 - ”, this installations series includes both screen-based and physical interactive experiences, and all engage participants to interact with the system(s). This one series generally aims at assisting users to create, enjoy and appreciate Chinese traditional arts and culture. For instance:
1. “ShanshuiDaDA, 2018” is a screen-based installation, which users can doodle lines and ShanshuiDaDA (the AI) can help generate Chinese Shanshui painting based on the input. The project is widely exhibited around the world and highly evaluated.
2. “Known beauty, 2019”, and “Fusion Beauty,2019” are WeChat mini-programs that are designed and developed for top Chinese museums: Shanghai Museum and Hunan Museum. Those APPs can transfer the selfie of the user into the style of art crafts and emerge the result into the original artwork, so the user can search the hidden face and engage in the interaction with the arts and culture. This project(s) won the first prize in the Tencent Next Idea Competition.
3. Other projects such as “ZICHI, 2018” and “The City of Love” are interactive music systems in which players will play with the AI and perform Chinese traditional music. “Walking through Shanshui, 2019” is a room-size interactive installation that can capture participants' movements and transfer that into Chinese Shanshui paintings.
Here is a video list demonstrate Chinese New Literati Series, click to vimeo. Or checkout the highlighted project as following:
Brief Introduction:
“湖湘画中人”(Fusion Beauty)是一个人工智能赋能文创的新体验。以人工智能作为文博教育的新载体,在交互游戏的形式中传播传统弘扬文化。artMachines选取来自湖南省博物馆的十二件代表文物训练人工智能识别并学习其图案、纹理等特征风格,将人物的照片和湖湘的典型文物风格相融合、将人物“文物风格化”,并更进一步地将“风格化”的人物融入、藏入到这些国宝中以构建在国宝中寻物的互动。
Fusion Beauty
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019
Brief Introduction:
“Known Beauty 不知侬是画中人” is a commission project by Tencent Next Idea Competition. The idea is to transfer the selfie of a participant to the style of an art crafts and hide/emerge the result into the original piece. With the technology advancements in AI, we design and build softwares to bring the culture to live and present it with modern language, so to draw public's interests to the tradition.
Known Beauty
August 2019
Brief Introduction:
"The city of love 爱乐之城" is an artificial intelligence powered performance project and a collaboration among four different organizations at the city of Shanghai, including Tong Ji University, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, and New York University, Shanghai. The performer will play a laser Guzhen with the AI powered audio-visual system in duo.
The City of Love
April 2019 - May 2019
Brief Introduction:
“The Spirit of Shanshui” is an interactive installation by which the participant moves in front of a Kinect camera and abstract geometries - symbolized mountain and water elements - will bump-up from their head, fall and bounce. This installation utilizes interactive visual simulation for entertainment, and to encourage the eastern Shanshui painting tradition.
The Spirit of Shanshui
January 2019
Brief Introduction:
“Walking through Shanshui” is an interactive installation based on AI and is dedicated to providing participants with a similar experience of creating Shanshui as in ancient times with various technologies. This piece seeks to honor the traditions and experiences to create Shanshui paintings and attempts to mimic the traveling experience with walking in a room-size installation.
Walking Through Shanshui
January 2019
Brief Introduction:
ZICHI is an interactive musical AI. It is a musical intelligence who can "understand" the music from participants and compose new melody to play back with the tone of Guqin. When deep cultural heritage meets rapidly changing forms of art powered by technological advancements, this project is dedicated to building a creative and collaborative AI profile, where AI captivates the imagination to enhance creativity.
December 2018
Brief Introduction:
“ShanshuiDaDA” is an interactive installation that utilizes machine learning algorithm in helping amateur participants realize traditional Chinese Ink Wash Paintings. The audience is invited to sketch a simple line drawing representation of their ideal landscape painting, “ShanshuiDaDA” will generate a Chinese “Shanshui” based the user’s input.
October 2018